Thursday, October 29, 2009

Suferinta nu te face deosebit, ci doar sa suferi. ESTI deosebit oricum. ;-) - inspirata din Doctor House.
I go in the city to buy something to support my flowers and after that I will be at the NLP training. ;-) woooohaaaaa!
Fiecare primeste de la viata, in aceeasi masura in care investeste in viata sa si/dau altora.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

ce alegi intre cantitate si calitate?
Doing my lawn, helps me be present. Being present, I get ideas for my blog. Next post, Authenticity. In the meanwhile I take my dog out.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

About to plant 2 apple and one apricot trees. Another moment of sharing love to beings. I will come back with pictures. ;-)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Clarifica-ti prezentul si viitorul raspunzand la acest scurt survey. Ma ajuti si pe mine sa te inteleg mai bine.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Tu cum poti face diferenta?
Simplu fapt de a spune ce n-ai spus niciodata, in relatia de coaching sau terapie, te impinge mai departe, te face sa te simti mai bine. :)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Am bagat lemne in foc. Ascult / vad cum arde si citesc Yalom.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Moving the flowers from the garden into the house. Besides our warmth (love), they still need physical warmth :)
Stop doing what is bad for you and start nourishing yourself. - Via Thomas Leonard

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Salvator, Victima sau Ce?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Duc Bleckytania la plimbare :)
Imi prepar prezentarea pentru diseara la Ferma Ideilor... :)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

once you love what you are, you will be in peace with the other ones too... because you cannot hate or love something that you are not...
Sometimes we need the NO's in order to discover the YES's.
Some times we need to give up something to allow something new into our lives.
Give yourself full permission to explore, experiment and even fail. This is the place where you can grow.
Just experience the magical place of being in peace now and you will be connected to the universe at a more intimate level. What can you build from there?
The more intimate the connection and relationship with your life the more juice is in it. Now just change life with anything. It still works
The Journey is the experiences we allow ourselves to have. What's wanting to grow us now?
Listen to your heart. Allow it to speak up. She always, always speaks the truth.
Avantajele renuntarii la a te preface
Identity is who you were born to be. Vision is where you want to reach. Life is who you are on the path to fulfill your vision. Any Thoughts?
Working at something about being authentic... ;-) In the meanwhile I still do my lawn... :)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Getting to sleep after delivering with Serban and Raluca a fabulous Social Media Bootcamp. God, how I feel fulfilled.
Fa ce te inspira, intr-un mod autentic, cu pasiune si constanta si Brandul tau personal vine de la sine - via RaluTeo

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Nu toti care au o pensula sunt pictori - via Andrei Con
Intreprinzatorul e interesat de rezultat. Angajatul e interesat de respectarea regulilor jocului
Chestie Misto invatata de la Bruno Medicina. Sens = Semnificatie si Directie. Fara directie, nu exista sens. :)
Just delivered my Social Media Survivor technical guidance... and Coaching... :)

Friday, October 9, 2009

deliver the social media survivor workshop & experience

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Despre Flip Camera, inainte de Evenimentul de Social Media de la BRAN
Daca in terapie relatia vindeca, in coaching relatia te pune in alta forma de miscare.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Last minutes before getting to the Social Media Survivor (& Coaching) ;-) Bootcamp
Atunci cand te concetrezi la o problema aceasta se adanceste. Concentreaza-te la solutii si problemele vor dispare de la sine.
Atunci cand te concetrezi la o problema aceasta se adanceste. Concentreaza-te la solutii si ele vor dispare de la sine.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Last checks for our social media survivor bootcamp. Coaching, shamanism, you experience good times and becoming a brand. Wanna join? :)
Show your magnificence to the world. We might resist a bit, but we need you like that so badly.
The best way to learn, reach objectives and evolve. Allow yourself to fail.
He who suffers, attracts reasons to continue to suffer - via Coach Leonard

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Ce pierzi amanand confruntarea cu “jenele” tale? Afla acum.
Ce este Coachingul? | Inspired Achievement Coaching (
scriu o poveste despre disconfort...
Cu cat iti traiesti mai putin viata, cu atat ti-e mai frica de moarte. Traieste-ti viata aici, acum.

Saturday, October 3, 2009 - Trackin' Away (
Fii autentic(a) si sincer(a) cu tine si cu ceilalti. O sa fi mai atractiv(a) asa.
Si-atunci, se dezlantuie viata si evolutia. Sincronicitate
Cand cineva te critica, poti sa verifici in ce masura ataca insasi identitatea ta fundamentala.
Tu nu esti jobul tau, costumele pe care le porti, masina pe care o conduci, fata/baiatul pe care o/il iubesti si multe altele care-ti trec prin minte.
Esti mult mai mult decat atat. Si acest ESTI e solid, intreg, creativ si inatacabil.
Lucrul cel mai important la un vis este emotia pe care o evoca. Tot dom' doctor Yalom.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Give up willing to look great because you are already wonderful!